Almost everyone knows of the world famous cartoon character Andy Capp created in 1957 by Reg Smythe and still going strong today. What I have yet to find is anyone who has heard of a speedway cartoon strip created by Reg at the start of his cartooning career many of which feature a character called Skid Sprocket.
I came across a rare booklet of these strips and set about finding the copyright owner with a view to doing a reprint. To cut a long story short I managed to contact the family of the late Reg Smythe and they gave their full backing to my resurrecting Skid and friends.
The booklet shows speedway in the early 1950's and is interesting from a historic point but many of the jokes are relevant to today's speedway as well as being very amusing in their own right. The booklet is 44 pages and contains over 70 cartoons.